Youth Fitness Q and A
Kids’ Fitness Common
Answers from Cedric X. Bryant, Ph.D., Chief Exercise Physiologist, Vice
President of Educational Services

1. Why should children have healthy fitness and nutritional habits?
Physically active children have fewer chronic health problems. Exercise reduces
the risk for developing cancer, diabetes, heart disease, obesity and high blood
pressure. Staying fit can also boost self-esteem. The most important thing you
can do for your children is to teach them to value their lives. Being healthy
and fit will not only put them in touch with their bodies, it will also increase
their personal image and help them establish a desire to set personal goals.
2. How can I motivate my
children to exercise?
If you want your children to become interested in exercise it is important for
them to see you participating in activity. As a parent, it’s up to you to play
the part in your child’s fitness and lead by example. You can’t just tell kids
that being active is fun. You have to show them. Try taking your kids hiking,
biking, dancing, sledding and in-line skating. Plan activities that focus on
physical activity instead of watching television or going to the movies. If you
want your kids to be healthy, happy teens and adults, it’s up to you to do
something about it.
3. How much physical activity
should my kids perform per day?
Children should accumulate at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day;
however, several hours of activity is even better. Children should participate
in a variety of non-competitive activities at varied levels of intensity. Daily
activity should include 10 to 15 minute periods of vigorous exercise. Extended
periods of inactivity are inappropriate for normal, healthy children. Kids
should learn skills for lifetime fitness, including individual activities such
as swimming, hiking, jogging and bicycling.
4. At what age can my child
begin strength training?
It is never too late or too early to get kids physically active. Children as
young as six years old may strength train as long as they follow directions and
focus on proper form and technique and are under the constant supervision of an
adult. For a long time strength training was considered dangerous for children
because it was of the fear that it might stun their growth. This is not the
case, however. In fact, some sports place more stress on the joints and bones
than does strength training. Supervised strength-training programs enhance
children’s strength, motor fitness skills and athletic performance and help
prevent injuries.
5. What strength-training
exercises might be good for kids?
Pull-ups and push-ups are great strengthening exercises for kids since they must
only support their own body weight. Children may work out two to three times per
week, performing one set of seven or eight simple exercises at 10 to 15
repetitions. Biceps curls or leg extensions are best for young weightlifters. It
is important that an adult closely supervises all strength-training exercises at
all times. Children should avoid competitive weight lifting and concentrate on
performing all exercises with proper training technique.
6. How can I improve my child’s
eating habits?
Stock the refrigerator with healthy foods like fruits and vegetables so that
when they reach for a snack they find a healthy choice. Parents who have a
lifestyle that includes healthful foods and physical fitness are role models for
their children. The behaviors children see at home are most likely the ones they
will adopt for themselves. Offer reasonable alternatives to your children’s high
fat or high sugar selections and gradually encourage a change in their overall
habits. It is important to still allow them to have some of their favorite foods
included in their meals. A good way to get children involved and committed to
healthy food choices is to involve them with the food
shopping and preparation. Children who feel competent to select and prepare food
will make more intelligent food choices.