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The Protein Myth!         



The Building Blocks of Life 

Protein is an important nutrient required for building, maintenance, and repair of tissues in the body. Amino acids, the building blocks of protein, can be synthesized by the body or ingested from food.  There are 20 different amino acids in the food we eat, but the human body can only produce 11 of them.  The 9 essential amino acids which cannot be produced by the body must be obtained from the diet. A variety of grains, legumes, and vegetables can provide all of the essential amino acids our bodies require. 


Protein Requirements! 

With the traditional western diet, the average American consumes about double the protein his or her body needs! Additionally, the main sources of protein consumed are animal products, which are high in fat and saturated fat. Most individuals are surprised to learn that protein needs are actually much less than what they have been consuming.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein for the average, sedentary adult is only 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight.  To find out your average needs, simply perform the following calculation: 

Body Weight (in pounds) x 0.36=recommended protein intake 

However, even this value has a margin of safety, and the body’s true needs is even lower for most people. Protein needs are increased in women who are pregnant and those that are or breastfeeding. In addition, needs are also higher for very active persons.  As these groups require additional calories, increased protein needs can easily be met through larger intake of food consumed daily. Extra serving of legumes, tofu, meat substitutes, or other high protein sources can help meet needs that to beyond current RDA. 

The Problems with High-Protein Diets! 

High protein diets for weight loss, disease prevention, and enhanced athletic performance have been greatly publicized over the years. However, these diets are not well supported by  scientific research. Studies show that the healthiest diet is one that is high in carbohydrates, low in fat, and moderate in protein. An increased intake of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables is recommended for weight control, and preventing disease such as cancer and heart disease. High carbohydrate, low fat, moderate protein diets are also recommended for optimal health and athletic performance! This is contrary to some of  the fad diets that are currently promoted, a diet that is high in protein can contribute to disease and other health problems. 

Osteoporosis- High protein intake is known to encourage urinary calcium losses and has been shown to increase fracture in research studies. Plant-based diets, which provide adequate protein, can help protect against osteoporosis! 

Cancer - Fat is the dietary substance most often singled out for increasing the risk for cancer, animal protein also plays a role. Certain protein found in meats, fish, and poultry, cooked at high temperatures, especially grilling and frying have been found to produce certain compounds (heterocyclic) that have been linked to various cancers such as breast and colon. Long term consumption of red meat is associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer. 

Impaired Kidney Function - Eating too much protein causes a release of nitrogen into the blood or it is digested and metabolized. This causes a strain on the kidneys, which must expel the waste through the urine. High protein diets are associated with reduced kidney function. Over time individuals who consume large amounts of protein especially animal protein are at risk for permanent loss of kidney function! 

Heart Disease - High protein diets are extremely high in cholesterol and saturated fat which poses a risk to the heart, including increased risk for heart problems immediately following a meal. Adequate protein can be consumed through a variety of plant products that are  cholesterol-free and contain only smalls amounts of fat. 

The Weight Loss Myth - Many individuals see an almost immediate weight loss as a result of following a high protein diet. The fact is the weight loss is not from consuming more protein, but from consuming fewer calories. This type of diet over the long run is not practical based on the many health problems and weight gain is often seen when previous eating habits are resumed. 

The Best Strategy for Permanent Weight Loss - To achieve permanent weight loss while promoting optimal health and fitness, the best strategy involves a lifestyle change including a low-fat diet of grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables combined with regular physical activity. 

The Protein Checklist 

High Protein Diets are unhealthy. However, adequate but not excess amounts of protein to maintain body tissues, including muscle, are still important and can be easily achieved on a vegetarian diet! Although all protein needs are individual, the following guidelines can help you to meet, but not exceed your needs. 

Aim for 5 or more servings of grains per day. This may include 1/2 cup of hot cereal, 1 oz. of dry cereal, or 1 slice of bread. Each serving contains approximately 3 grams of protein. 

Aim for 3 or more servings of vegetables each day.  This may include 1 cup of raw vegetables, 1/2 cup of vegetable juice. Each serving contains about 2 grams of protein. 

Aim for 2 to 3 servings of legumes each day.  This may include 1/2 cup of cooked beans, 4 oz. of tofu or temper, 8 oz. of soy milk, and 1 oz of nuts. Protein contents can vary significantly, particularly with soy and rice milk, so check the labels. Each serving may contain 4 to 10 grams of protein Whether you are a competitive athlete or a weekend warrior your diet must be balanced, higher in carbohydrates, low in fat and moderate in protein. For aerobic (cardiovascular) or anaerobic (weight resistance) exercise the primary energy source is from carbohydrates.  

Ø      Always consult with your Physician or a Licensed Dietician/Nutritionist prior to starting any form of diet or vitamin/mineral supplementation


Effortless Tips for a Healthier Day

Sometimes you just don't have time to think about how to be healthy. But you can follow these three tips to help your health - they're so simple you don't even have to think about it!

Drink a glass of water when you brush you teeth. You know that you need 8 glasses of water a day - what an easy way to sneak an extra glass or two.

Buy better bread. Get used to whole wheat! Compared to white bread, whole wheat bread has more fiber, grains and nutrients. But just because it has a darker color, doesn't mean that it's always better. Read the label and make sure it says whole wheat bread.

Dip your carrots. Are you snacking on carrots? Probably not. The next time you want to munch on something crunchy, instead of reaching for a bag of chips - grab a handful of fresh baby carrots. Dip them in some dressing or eat them with a cube of cheese.

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