Personal Trainer Chris Morgan

About Me:
My passion for fitness began in high school where I was on the varsity baseball
and men’s swim team. When I entered college I no longer made exercise a focus in
my life and I gained the dreaded freshman 15 (and more). After months of dealing
with less energy and low self esteem, I made a decision to make fitness a
priority in my life.
Once fitness became an everyday routine, I realized a variety of different
workouts are key to being successful. Since making fitness and nutrition a
priority in my own life, I made the decision to make personal training my
As a trainer, my style consists of mixing strength training, plyometrics, yoga,
and high intensity interval training. I’ve seen firsthand that this combination
allows your body to be challenged on a consistent basis. The best part about
doing different workouts is you never get bored!
You and I will work together to set attainable goals and I will push you until
they are met. I will give you the tools you will need to see positive results
with your body and your mind.
B.A Telecommunications Penn State
ACE Personal trainer certification
Personal Goals:
TRX certifiication
Kettlebell certification
Sports conditioning specialization
Falls Church, Annandale, Arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax, Tyson’s Corner, Mclean,
Georgetown, Vienna
Before working with Chris, I wanted to make exercise a part of my daily routine
but I had a difficult time being consistent. I was always making excuses like “I
don’t have enough time” or “I’ll start tomorrow”. Chris helped me to realize
that my health needs to be a priority every day and that I can make time to
exercise even with my busy schedule. Together, we made an exercise plan and he
guided me to make the right nutrition choices. After a lot of hard work and
dedication, I started to see results in my body and the way I felt. Chris helped
me learn that I need to be consistent and positive in order to reach my goals.
Allison C., Fairfax, VA