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Key Elements to Improve your Fitness Level

Keep in mind that random training produces random results. In order to increase your fitness level, a few key elements must be in place.

1. Progression - Your body will react to a work-out, recover and then adapt. If you apply the same stress load week after week, you will not progress.

2. Gradual Increase - Do not increase more than 10% each week. A good goal is 6-8%. Weekly volume includes both intensity and duration.

 3. Quantify your training - And your progress. Know what your goals are and chart your achievements!

4. Overloading, overreaching and over training - Overloading is part of the normal training progress.

 Overreaching occurs when you continue to train at abnormally high loads. If you over train, it can take months to recover.

Avoiding the seasonal cold

One of the hardest things to deal with during the winter season is the perpetual cold. Not only can having a cold make you feel lethargic, but it can also hinder progress in an exercise program. Due to the inability to breathe well with a cold, breathing can be a lot more challenging. Try some of these tried and true ways of preventing a cold.

1.) Try carrying a small hand sanitizer in your pocket such as purel. Be sure to use after working out at the gym, or any activity where germs can be transmitted.

2.) Try to avoid contact to your mouth, ears, or eyes with your fingers. Those are the common ways germs enter your body.

3.) Drink plenty of fluids especially water. This will help to flush the toxins out of your body and keep you healthy.

4.) Try to get plenty of rest and limit stress. Being sleep deprived can reek havoc on your body as well as your immune system. In addition, stress can have many adverse effects on your body weakening your immune system.

5.) Try to continue to exercise. Unless your cold has gotten much worse, try to workout. Working out can stimulate your immune system and help you fight off that cold.

Try some of these tried and true ways of keeping healthy during the winter season. Hopefully the winter season finds you in good health.

Ten Great Tips to Getting Beach Ready

1.)Map out a plan-getting in great shape requires having a plan of action. Without a plan, a fitness regimen has no direction, and will not succeed.

2.)Set goals-goals keep you focused and ensures progress. Make sure to set realistic, measurable, and attainable goals. Make sure to set short term, intermediate, and long term goals.

3.)Keep a dietary log-nutrition is the difference between somebody who looks in great shape, and somebody who just works out. Keeping a log will help to keep you more cognizant of what you are putting into your body.

4.)Get everybody on the same page-when trying to succeed in an exercise program, it helps to have significant others, siblings, children, etc aware of your goals. This can help with adherence as well as motivation.

5.)Lift weights-lifting weights will help to add muscle tissue, which burns way more calories at rest than bodyfat. Lean muscle will increase your metabolism and give you that "tone" look.

6.)YOU MUST DO CARDIO-you can lift all the weight you want, but the cardio will melt down that bodyfat so that you can see the fruits of your labor. Cardio must be done at least three times a week for at least a half an hour. Keep the intensity high, get in the target heart rate range.

7.)Be consistent-exercise and nutrition only work if they are done consistently. YOU MUST make sure you get your workouts in, if you do not, do not expect the results you desire.

8.)Be intense-anybody can step foot in a gym. Those that get the results reach deep, and give it everything they have.

9.)Have fun-the more fun you have in your program, the more likely you will stay with it.

10.)Don't give up-exercise adherence is very low, and for good reason. Exercise is not easy, however, those who do not give up or get frustrated WILL see the results.


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