Free Radicals: Destructive Scavengers and the Vital Role
Antioxidants Play
By: Carina MacInnes
Several years ago, it was all over the news. Free radicals were damaging - we
all had them, and antioxidants were the solution. But what role really do free
radicals play in damaging the body, and how are we supposed to best get rid of
them? How do antioxidants work and what is the best way of adding them to our
24 hours a day, while the body is constantly working, cells are metabolizing and
creating energy as they carry out their tasks. This natural process results in
free radicals, the same way driving to work in your car creates exhaust fumes.
Some free radicals are natural byproducts of the ongoing workings of the body.
Some are from environmental factors, such as pollution, radiation, and cigarette
A free radical is simply a molecule that is missing an electron. As soon as a
molecule loses one of its attached electrons, it becomes unstable and seeks to
re-stabilize itself by stealing an electron from the nearest molecule. This
causes the attacked molecule to then become a free radical, and starts a chain
reaction. Ultimately as the process continues this can lead to cell damage.
Free radicals become extremely damaging to the body as they steal electrons from
your cells. They begin to spread like a wildfire through the years if your body
does not have enough antioxidants to keep them in check. They can attack cell
walls, get inside the cell, and cause damage to the DNA. This leads to cancer.
Cancer is defined as a degenerative stress condition, and we can understand this
better when we understand the role free radicals play.
The brain is the most active part of the body. It uses the most energy, and
therefore is subject to bombardment with the most free radicals. The
significance of this is not only that we feel negative effects in our mind -
such as feeling tired and muddled - but also because brain is very important in
its control of so many of the vital workings of our bodies.
When a free radical attacks, it can get into the cell and cause the
mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, to die or cease to function fully.
This can disrupt one of a multitude of processes. A dead or poorly functioning
mitochondria in a cell can disrupt or slow down neuronal firing. Mental illness
is largely due to imbalances in the neuronal processes of our natural brain
chemistry. A poorly working or dead mitochondria can prevent certain natural
functions from working, causing symptoms like hormonal imbalance.
Untreated, the damage from free radicals accumulates with age. They are the
cause of many degenerative diseases, and are associated with many of the signs
of the aging process.
Antioxidants are molecules loaded with extra free electrons. When we have enough
antioxidants the free radicals get their electrons from the antioxidants in our
body, rather than stealing them from our cells.
The body is naturally built to handle free radicals. Antioxidants are found in
the vitamins A, C and E in the fruits and vegetables we eat. However even eating
the 5-8 recommended servings a day, or using supplements still often does not do
enough to combat the massive free radical damage.
Antioxidants from Vitamins E, C, and A actually pale in comparison to the
phytonutrient antioxidants such as those found in red wine and blueberries. This
is the reason for the French paradox, why it is being recommended to drink wine,
eat chocolate, and drink green tea. They provide better sources of antioxidants.
There is an even better source: the newly discovered acai berry, of the
Brazilian rainforest. It provides antioxidants in strengths 33 times more
powerful than red wine. It floods the body with massive amounts of antioxidants
and other essential nutrients. The acai berry is the number one ingredient for
anti-aging recommended by Dr. Nicholas Perricone, in his book the Perricone
The acai berry can be best added to the diet in liquid form. A small dose of
several ounces daily will flood the body with the vital antioxidants it needs.
The acai berry is the best way to add to your diet the most powerful
antioxidants combating free radical damage.
Author Bio
Carina MacInnes is a writer and entrepreneur who chooses for her daily
antioxidant supplement a powerful nutrient packed juice containing vital amounts
of the acai berry. Try it yourself: - For information on how to make a living
distributing this top-quality product, visit