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When I say the words “Powerlifting Nutrition”, I mostly get funny stares. “Did you just say powerlifting nutrition,” is the reply. “Is there such a thing?” Now this is bad when it comes from someone outside the sport, but it’s even worse when it’s one of us. The fact is a large majority of powerlifters are leaving pounds on the platform simply because they are not nutritionally fulfilling their needs to help them accomplish their goals. My mission in writing the sports nutrition section for Powerlifting USA is to change the above type mentality. Like it or not, your nutritional plan plays a major role in your performance in the gym and on the platform. I have seen average lifters become excellent lifters by altering their nutritional regiment. The purpose of this article is to give you a little insight into what powerlifting nutrition is, and what it can do for you.
WHAT IS IT? Powerlifting nutrition is specific nutritional protocols that are customized for the strength athlete. No, it’s not the same thing as bodybuilding nutrition. Powerlifting nutrition also isn’t mainstream “look good in 30 days” type dieting either. Nor is it a diet plan geared at helping the chronically obese. Powerlifters need specific nutrients at specific times and in specific amounts to reach their optimal performance. During my time here with Powerlifting USA magazine, I have received hundreds of emails from powerlifters looking to improve their nutritional plan. One thing that I have realized with many powerlifters is that their meal planning is their weakest link. And as they say, “You are only as strong as your weakest link!” I hate to say this but the majority of the powerlifters writing in don’t follow any set pattern of eating, or have any idea what types or amounts of macronutrients to consume. If this is you, don’t worry because I am here to help you. These individuals basically eat what they want, when they want, and as much as they want. If today you feel like having sausage and ice cream for breakfast than that’s what it will be. If you feel like having a greasy cheeseburger with curly fries covered in gravy and wash it down with a double banana split and a nice “Diet Cola” to even things out, then that’s “Powerlfiting Nutrition” for that day. By the way, it’s has to be a diet cola because there are way too many calories in regular soda. Ha Ha! I know this may sound funny, but if you could only see some of the powerlifting nutritional diaries that I have worked with, you would be surprised. Believe me, I am not recommending bodybuilding or marathon runner nutritional regiments. And believe it or not, I can fully understand when it’s time to have a cheat day…its going to be a cheat day for sure. The problem with many powerlifters is, everyday is a cheat day and this will do nothing but hinder your performance.
We as powerlifters must get out of
the mentality that the nutritional aspect of our sport is a joke. I have heard
this several times from lifters. Some actually believe that if you eat a
boatload of junk or you eat a serious power nutritional plan, the results would
be the same. It is this type of misinformation that will hold back your
progress. It is these same lifters that have that bench shirt
tweaked just right several times before their contest, or they are the ones
getting that pair of briefs taken in that little extra in the hips to get the
most out of their squat. It is these same individuals that can be seen on
contest day eating candy bars and drinking sugar loaded soda. And I am not
talking about a post victory treat. I am talking about during their attempts
and between lifts! Bodybuilders and many other performance athletes have a good understanding about how nutrition affects the way they look and how it will affect their performance. The majority of powerlifters on the other hand, don’t have the understanding how a serious nutritional plan can take their performance to new heights. This is in part due to the fact that there isn’t a lot if information about powerlifting nutrition, and the general powerlifting mentality that nutrition is only important to bodybuilders and not powerlifters. I have found that with a large population of powerlifters, they know everything there is to know about training. They understand and can draw graphs about how Soviet training theories are better than American theories. They know which material will give you the best bang for your buck to get the most from your bench press shirt. They know and use the latest gadget to get their knee wraps on tighter. Yet they don’t have a clue what they should be eating on a daily basis. This is putting the carriage before the horse, since nutrition plays a significant role in your powerlifting progress. Powerlifters have ignored their nutritional planning for too long, but it’s not too late.
MAJOR NUTRITIONAL MISTAKES Contest day nutrition is one of the most important aspects for your performance. Your nutritional program for that day will make you or break you! The fact that most lifters don’t use the right fuels on the most important day of the year is something that could be easily avoided. Just remember, if you are leaving your competition day nutritional plan to the “I’ll grab something at the meet” mentality, then you better be ready to take second best.
Another major mistake I see with lifters is the way they try to lose weight for a contest. First off, the majority of lifters that I have had contact with, wait until the last 48 hours to get the job done. WHY? From a performance standpoint, don’t you think that it would be better to try to lose those last 10 pounds starting 8 weeks before the show instead of trying to sweat them all off for hours in a sauna the morning of the meet? The fact that the majority of what will be lost will be water, muscle and valuable electrolytes and not fat, should make you think how it will affect your performance in the coming hours. Powerlifting nutrition shouldn’t be a hit and miss game. Your performance on the platform is too important and precious to just guess and hope that you did the right thing. Just think of all those endless hours of blood and sweat in the gym. Think of all the sacrifices you made, avoiding all those late nights out with the boys. Calculate all the money that you have invested in your contest entry forms, organization memberships, supplements, endless amounts of powerlifting gear… bench shirts, wrist and knee wraps, suits, chalk, squat shoes, singlets, deadlift slippers and on and on. What about the air fare, hotel accommodations, car rentals, and all the other costs that go into stepping on the platform. To throw your performance out the window just because of your nutritional miscalculation and wrong judgements in the last weeks and day of the big show, would be the biggest waste of all. Don’t let this happen to you! You have worked way to hard, sacrificed too much, and have invested way too much money into your contest preparation, only to lose it all because you were too busy to get your nutritional plan on track.
I run a private nutritional consulting
practice out of Toronto, Canada. I mainly work with nationally ranked strength
athletes as well as professional athletes from a variety of other sports. I have
also worked with several World Champion and World Record holders in powerlifitng.
I will give you a story about one of my experiences working with one of my
powerlifters. One day sitting in my office, I get a call from a gentleman in
regards to my nutritional consulting services. He told me he was a powerlifter
and was in desperate need to get his nutritional plan on track. I told him that
it would be at least a 2 week wait for him to get to see me for consulting since
I have a very busy schedule. He pleaded and begged and whined, until I finally
gave in to see him after my normal hours. Well I guess I did it out of the
goodness of my heart, or it could be that he invited me out for a steak dinner
at the best steak house in town to discuss what we could do with his program.
After one month of following my plan we did another assessment to see his progress. First let’s take a look at the most important thing…his strength on the powerlifts. In the one month period, the weights he was using for 3x2 now miraculously became the same weight he was now using for 5x5 in all three of the powerlifts. I looked at him with shock on my face. I asked him if he was using any different equipment, supplements or other goodies that may have caused such a remarkable increase in his strength in such a short period of time. He listened to my instructions and didn’t change any other variable except for his new nutritional plan. Next we measured his body fat percentage and his lean to fat ratio. As he took off his shirt I could see a noticeable difference in his body fat level since the last time I did the assessment one month prior. He measured in at 16% down from 22%. I know we are not bodybuilders, but almost all lifters like to look leaner while being stronger. He also had some positive results with his blood sugar level and his blood pressure rating as well. I now had a believer in him. He now understood how proper nutritional planning can not only make a big difference in your overall health, but your strength and performance level on the platform! This would be just the beginning in a long career of success. This gentleman’s performance was taken to new heights. During his time under my nutritional guidance, he has won 4 World Championships and 2 National titles as well. Before this time he competed mainly at the state level. The progress he has made under my guidance has been spectacular. He has even set several Drug Free World Records in the masters division. This client not only became one of my star clientele, but a close friend as well. The purpose of this example is not to make fun of his past nutritional habits, but to show you that you can make a huge difference on your performance when you follow the right nutritional plan!
WHAT IS THE FUTURE FOR POWERLIFTING NUTRITION? The main purpose for my writings in Powerlifting USA is that I want to educate you on how to eat like a true strength athlete. I have reviewed diet plans of some nationally ranked powerlifters and after digesting their nutritional diaries, I can only imagine what they could be accomplishing and what their totals would be, if they optimized their nutritional plan. After fine tuning my athlete’s meal plan, the results that they see are incredible. The lean muscle tissue starts to increase. Their body fat level, no matter their weight class, begins to decrease. Their strength steadily increases, and their recovery between their workouts is shortened. Their overall energy level is drastically improved and their endurance and volume workload in the gym takes a huge step forward. There are so many areas in powerlifting that can be affected by your nutritional plan. If you have neglected your power meal plan, it is now time to throw down those Twinkies and pepperoni sticks, and start treating your body like a power machine that will be fuelled for strength and power like never before. There is no time better than now to take powerlifting nutrition into the millennium, and take our totals to a new level! If ignoring your nutritional plan was something you have been guilty of in the past, it’s not too late to change. Get your powerlifting nutritional plan on track and watch your total soar!