The Carbohydrate
Dieting is easy!!! Just do
Atkins. Have bacon and eggs for breakfast. Why not have a cheeseburger (hold the
bun) for lunch? Why not have a big juicy steak for dinner? Is all this too good
to be true?
Many of us are conforming to a low carbohydrate diet. Whether it is the Zone
Diet, The Atkins Diet, etc, many of us feel that low carbs are the way to go. Is
this healthy??? The truth of the matter is that these diets can be dangerous
without medical supervision. No one should be on a carb restricted diet for any
length of time without a break. Low carb diets are based on severely reducing
your intake of foods containing carbs. Foods such as bread, rice, potatoes,
fruits, are considered the enemy. The idea is that by limiting consumption of
these foods you will lose weight. However, due to the lack of options on such a
diet, you typically consume less calories which lead to weight loss. As a
result, this caloric deficit forces the body to obtain energy from the breakdown
of fats know as ketosis. Ketosis is considered potentially dangerous. It is one
of the body's reactions to starvation. Long-term effects of ketosis may even
include heart disease, bone loss, and kidney damage.
In addition to the problem of ketosis, there are many other problems associated
with low carb diets. For one, carbohydrate is needed for mental functioning.
While on a low carb diet, the brain is being deprived of the fuel it needs to
focus and work at optimal levels. As a result, efficiency and productivity will
decline. Finally lets consider an exercise regimen on a carb restricted diet.
First off, it is important to understand the role of carbohydrates as it
pertains to exercise. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy during bouts
of exercise. Glycogen, your body's storage form of carbohydrate, plays a vital
role in sustaining high intensity during exercise. By depleting your
carbohydrate intake, you are depleting your body's storage of glycogen, and thus
hindering the progress made during exercise.
So in summation, diets that restrict the intake of carbohydrates truly are not
worth all the hype. They can have potentially harmful side effects and tend to
hinder, not aid, performance and progress in the long run.
Top Ten Protein Sources
We all know that protein is very important in an exercise regimen. Protein is
responsible for building, maintaining, and repairing muscles tissue. However,
what are good sources of protein? The following are great sources of protein
that should be added to your diet...
1.) Tuna fish (in water)
2.) Grilled Chicken
3.) Cottage Cheese
4.) Skim Milk
5.) Turkey
6.) Beans
7.) Lean steaks (sirloins).
8.) Whey protein (powder/bar, etc)
9.) cheese and other dairy
10.) tofu
Try to add some of these protein sources in your diet daily. Adding protein will
most likely aid in your progress and help you to achieve your fitness goals...
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