Analyze Your Excuse for Lack of
Physical Activity
Why haven't you become more active? It is difficult for many of us to defend
ourselves when we know we should be exercising more. Print out this little
"self-evaluation" to help you pinpoint, and hopefully correct, your reasons for
not applying more activity into your lifestyle. This is meant to help -- not
criticize! And do be honest with yourself -- it won't help you if you are not.
Following is the number system to use:
 | I cannot find time to add physical activity to
my already busy schedule. |
 | I do not exercise much, because my family and friends do not enjoy active
things. |
 | After work, I am too tired to get any exercise.
 | I have considered getting more exercise, but
cannot seem to start. |
 | As I age, exercising seems riskier. |
 | I would exercise more, if I ever could master
a sport. |
 | I don't have easy access to jogging trails, swimming pools, bike paths,
etc. |
 | Physical activity takes too much time from
other commitments - work, family, etc. |
 | I am embarrassed about how I would look exercising with others. |
 | I am too short on sleep to get up early or stay up later to
exercise. |
 | It is easier to find excuses not to exercise
than to actually do it. |
 | I know people who have hurt themselves overdoing
exercise. |
 | I cannot imagine learning a new sport at my age. |
 | Taking a class, joining a club or buying the right equipment is too
expensive. |
 | I do not have enough free time during the day to include
exercise. |
 | Social activities with friends or family do not usually include
physical activity. |
 | I am too tired during the week and need weekends to catch up on my rest.
 | I would like to get more exercise, but cannot
seem to follow through and stick to it. |
 | I am afraid I will injure myself or have a heart attack. |
 | I am not good enough at any physical activity
to enjoy it. |
 | If we had exercise facilities and showers at
work, I might exercise. |
To score yourself:
Place the number you selected in the
corresponding numbered space provided (the number
for statement one on line one, etc.). Add the three scores across each line. Any
score of five or greater identifies an important barrier to face and overcome.
Example: In line one we have 1 plus 9 plus 15 equals: Lack of time. Take
the number you choose for question one, plus
the number you choose for question 9 and 15, add the
three numbers together. If they equal five or greater, your excuse is lack of
1 plus 9 plus 15 equals: Lack of time
2 plus 9 plus 16 equals: Social influence
3 plus 10 plus 17 equals: Lack of energy
4 plus 11 plus 18 equals: Lack of willpower
5 plus 12 plus 19 equals: Fear of injury
6 plus 13 plus 20 equals: Lack of skill
7 plus 15 plus 21 equals: Lack of resources
Source: Fitness and Freebies
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