Eric's Blog

  Hey Everyone!!!  Welcome to my blog, I hope that you enjoy the entries.  As sappy as it may be, I consider my blog to be my very own personal diary for all of you to share...

I wish you all the best in health and happiness,

Your friend in health,

Example of Exercise Prescription: August 8/9

Just an example of an exercise prescription protocol:

Client: Kenny M
Workout Plan: TBA
Injuries/Limitations: None
*Please consult your doctor before beginning any fitness plan.

Thursday workout: Push Muscles ie chest, triceps, delts/Cardio

a) Begin workout with light stretching of working muscles to be used
b) 15 minutes of steady state cardio on treadmill to raise body temp and to increase heart rate and blood flow.
c) Chest:
Barbell Bench Press: 3 sets/15 reps each
Flat bench dumbbell flys: 3 sets/15 reps each
Machine flys: 3 sets/15 reps each
D) Delts:
Front dumbbell raises: 3 sets/15 reps
Dumbbell lateral raises: 3 sets/15 reps
Machine shoulder press: 3 sets/15 reps
E) Triceps:
3 sets of tricep pressdowns/15 reps
F) 15 minutes more of steady state cardio

Top Five Exercises to Train Chest August 3, 2015

When training the chest, it is important to use a variety of angles ie incline, flat, and decline.  Try these exercises for great overall chest development:

1/ Flat dumbbell flys: get a nice wide stretch hits all the fibers in the chest

2/ incline dumbbell bench press: works the upper chest

3/ Flat barbell bench press: great for overall strength and mass of the chest muscle

4/ Pushups: still a favorite, great body weight exercise for the chest

5/ decline dumbbell flys: stimulates the lower chest


Top 5 Protein Sources July 29, 2015

We all know the importance of protein when training hard, but what are 5 good sources of protein.  By a top protein, we are talking about having all the essential amino acids, and having a good solid macro profile.

Number 1: Salmon or Talopia: Great clean source of protein, low carb, low calorie, great for dieting.

Number 2: Grilled Chicken: Great amino acid profile, low fat, low carb.

Number 3: Whey protein: convenient and easy way to get a great protein source.

Number 4: tuna: if you can handle the smell J

Number 5: Ground Turkey: low in fat, great source.


Keep Hydrated!  July 12, 2015 It's hot, be careful!

As we are in the thick of the summer season, I feel an entry on hydration is appropriate.  When training in the summer it is extremely important to stay hydrated not only for health, but for optimal performance.

Additionally, when I say hydrated I don’t just mean drinking water or a sports drink during your workout.  In preparation for your workout, it is important to drink and maintain good hydration prior, during and after your workout.  I feel this is where a lot of clients fall short. 

Remember, your body is a like a machine and for it to run efficiently you must give it everything it needs not only the right foods to perform, but proper hydration as well.


Negative Thinking-July 4th 2015

Today’s entry is about negative thinking and the consequences therein.  Being a trainer, you learn that dealing with your client’s mind is just as important as training their body.  You have to help to condition their mind, especially if they have negative feelings about their body and their fitness level.

Negative thinking can greatly hinder progress.  The feeling that you’ll never achieve  the body you want, or that you hate the way you look, tends to cause clients to not want to work out or too eat badly, thus setting back their progress.  As a client it is important to remember, that each day is progress and a step further in your journey to achieving your goals.  Results may come slow at times, but they will come and setups are inevitable.  The trick is to keep moving forward, anything worth achieving is worth working for and nothing comes easy.

Keep setting goals, keep a journal/diary, and keep moving forward realizing that setbacks are just a part of the battle.  However, be determined to keep fighting and win the battle.


Training in the Heat 6/22/15

Okay, it’s hot out there, and my advice would be to certainly avoid training out there in this heat.  However, if you must, and I mean must, then you must take the proper precautions.  Okay so what do you need to do if you are going to train in this heat?

For one, make sure you are extremely well hydrated.  Don’t only drink while you are training, but before and after as well.  Make sure that coming into your workout you have drank plenty and that you are not coming in dehydrated.

Try to stay away from coffee if you can.  In the heat, you have to be careful you don’t get your heart rate too high, and over heat.  Coffee can really sky rocket your heart rate, especially when coupled with exercise.

Eat something.  Make sure your blood sugar isn’t too low.  Have some fruit, trail mix, etc to be sure your body is well nourished for the job at hand.

Finally, be smart.  Take your water breaks, rest when needed, and don’t overdo it.  Please be safe in the heat!


Great Bicep Exercises

Hey guys, just some advice today on how to develop strong, shapely, biceps. Remember, the biceps have two heads, and need to be worked in a variety of ways to see good overall development. For the mass of the bicep, I like bicep curls. Keep those elbows anchored by your side and use strict form, no throwing the weight around using nothing but back muscles. Next, I like alternate bicep curls, using the dumbells. I prefer the seated position as opposed to standing, and I tend to gravitate towards starting with a pronated grip and supinating as I come up with the dumbells. Make sure to get a strong contraction at the top. Another exercise I like is preacher curls. Either on a machine, dumbells, or using an ez bar, I feel the preacher curls do a great job elongating the bicep muscle and gives you that nice definition towards the bottom. Finally, try some concentration curls. Keep that elbow fixed, and curl that weight up with a strong contraction, Give these exercises a try, and you'll develop great biceps!


I Have Been To The Other Side

Hey guys, this entry is about my trip to Ocean City this past summer. Now, just some background, I pretty much eat clean and exercise year round. I'm talking grilled chicken, broccoli, brown rice, the whole nine. Very rarely do I cheat on my diet, and I always exercise. So what happened in Ocean City? It started off innocently enough, bought a gym pass for 3 days, hit the gym good, and was eating fairly clean. However, the last three days, I let myself go wild. I'm talking Dumser's Ice Cream, burgers, wings, you name it. I also didn't hit the gym, figured why not, the body needs a rest every so often. Let me tell you what, I have never felt so terrible in my life (other than my bout with lymes disease, but that's another story for another day). I was lethargic, I was getting chest pains, and I felt AWFUL! The thought that kept crossing my mind is, "this must be what most people do routinely, how the heck do they do it?" Moral of the story? I get jealous from time to time of people who eat what they want, and throw caution to the wind. I sometimes want to devour a burger, McDonald's etc, but don't and become jealous of those that do. However, after this Ocean City trip I realized I am not missing out on anything at all. Eat healthy my friends, and keep exercising!

Very Cool-

So if you wanna make things six figures you can't just be talking about you wanna make
six figures. Do you know what I'm saying to you tonight. If you do the three things I
tell you to do tonight I guarantee you whatever it is you wanna do in life you'll be able
to do. You'll be able to accomplish whatever you want to academically, financially, relationally
whatever so three things. Alright Ima tell you this story I gotta get out of here and
the story is about you guys are probably heard about this before it was a it was a young
man who you know he wanted to make a lot of money and so he went to this Guru right, and
he told the Guru, "You know I want to go to same level you on " and so the Guru said,
"If you want to be on the same level I'm on I'll meet you tomorrow at the beach at 4 am".
He like, "the beach? I said I wanna make money, I don't wanna swim". Guru said, "If you wanna
make money I'll meet you tomorrow, 4 am". So the young man got there 4 am he already
to rock n' roll, got on a suit he should have worn shorts. The old man grabs his hand and
said, "How bad do you want to be successful", he said, "Real bad". He said, " Walk on out
in the water". So he walks out into the water, watch this, when he walks out into the water
he goes waist deep. So he like this guy crazy, like I wanna make money he got me out here
swimming. I didn't ask to be a lifeguard, I wanna make money. He got me in so he said
come on a little further. He walked out a little further then he had a right around
this area the shoulder area. So this old man crazy he making money but he crazy. Said come
out a little further, he came out a little further it was right at his mouth. My man
like I'm about to go back in here this guy out of his mind. So the old man said, "I thought
you said you wanted to be successful", he said "I do". He said, "Walk a little further".
He came and drop his head in held him down hold him down, my man keep scratching holding
down I got you, I know you've brush it out but I got you. He had him held down I need
you for illustration, he had him held down gently for my man was about to pass out. He
raise him up he said I got a question for you, somebody answer the question for me.
He said when you were underwater what did you want to do. Live. I'm looking for a different
word though than live. What's that word? Breathe. He said he wanted to breathe. He told the
guy he said when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you'll be successful.
I don't know how many ya'll got asthma here today but if you ever had an asthma attack
before your short breath. As it'll be short as a breath you wheezing (wheezing sound).
The only thing you're trying to do is get some air. You don't care about no basketball
games, you don't care what 's on TV, you don't care about nobody calling you, you don't care
about a party. The only thing you care about when you trying to breathe is to get some
fresh air that's it and when you get to the point where all you wanna do is be successful
as bad as you wanna breathe then you'll be successful. And I'm here to tell you number
one that most of you say you want to be successful but you don't want it bad. You just kinda
want it. You don't want it bad than you want it party you don't want it as much as you
wanna be cool. Most of you don't want success as much as you want to sleep. Some of you
love sleep more than you love success and I'm here to tell you today. If you're going
to be successful you gotta be willing to give up sleep. You gotta be willing to work off
for three hours of sleep, two hours, if you really want to be successful. Some day you
have to stay up three days in a row because if you go to sleep you might miss the opportunity
to be successful. That's how bad you gotta want it. You gotta go days without, listen
to me, you gotta want to be successful so bad that you forget to eat. Beyonce says once
she was on a set doing her thing three days had gone by she forgot she didn't eat cause
she was engaged. I never forget when 50 Cent was doing his movie I did a little research
on 50 and 50 said that when he wasn't doing the movie he was doing a soundtrack and they
he said when do you sleep 50? Sleep he says sleep sleep is for those people who are broke
I don't sleep. Said I got opportunity make a dream into reality. Football players, how
many football players? Got any body like football in here raise your hand. Anybody like football?
Emmitt Smith I use to be a cowboy fan before they did my boy Tom Landry wrong. I use to
be a cowboy fan and watch this. There was a commercial Emmitt Smith had won his first
Super Bowl and he had this commercial where he was lifting weights. I don't know if you
saw that commercial when he lifting and he said he said Emmitt said, "You know what I
won the Super Bowl so I can rest now". He had he was doing his bench-press so he said,
" I won a Super Bowl so I can rest now". So he throws up about 325 boom and he rest for
about two seconds then he Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom. Just see that he already won Super Bowl.
He said, "I think Ima take a rest" and he rests for how long? One second. Most of you
won't be successful because when you're studying and you get tired you quit. And I'm here to
tell you today if you gotta somebody came to my office the other day crying. I said,
"Look don't cry to give up, cry to keep going". Don't cry and quit you already in pain you
already hurt get a reward from it. Don't go to sleep and until you succeed. Listen to
me I'm here to tell you today that you could come here, you can jump up, you can do flips,
you can be exciting when we give away money but listen to me you will never be successful
until I don't have to give you a dime to do what you do. You won't be successful until
you say I don't need that money cause I got in here. So listen to me Emmitt Smith said
this at the end of the commercial, Emmitt Smith said, "All men are created equal some
work harder in pre-season". Ima say it again because you might have missed it "All men
are created equal some work harder in pre-season". So that means that they are some people who
are going to see the professor going to see the T.A and even when the professor says,
"I don't meet with you my T.A meet with you". You say, "I don't want to talk to your T.A.
I don't pay the T.A I pay you to teach me. So you will have to find some time to meet
me if I gotta meet you at the mall if I gotta meet you at your house you are going to see
me". Listen to me all men are created equal some work harder in pre-season. When I went
to college, guys were way smarter than me. 4.0's, 3.0's they went to the Ivy league high
schools came to Oakwood from these great high school. Most of them are not doing what I'm
doing, why? cause is not about where you come from, it's about heart. You come to a place
where you know being smart ain't enough you gotta have heart. That's number one. What's
number two? Number two, catch number two, I wrote it down, I wanna make sure you got
it. It says to be, watch this watch this, we talking about sacrifice now. The important
thing is this, you right of what I'm saying cause I only have like three more minutes.
Listen to me the most important thing is this to be able at any moment to sacrifice what
you are for what you will become. That's a number two thing you gotta catch that one.
To be able listen to me at any moment some of you you can make sacrifices when Monday
night football is not on. You can make a sacrifice but when the game come on for some reason
you just attached to it. For some of you when your favorite show come on you can make sacrifices
on Sunday but when you're favorite show comes on Monday, some of you you focus until the
phone ring and then you're like, " I gotta answer, If I don't answer the phone I'm going
to die". I'm saying to you today that there's some of you if you give up your cell phone
you would be successful but your cell phone is more important to you than you success.
Ima say it again Ima hurt somebody Ima hurt somebody. Some of you need to give up your
cellphone because the time you spend on your cell phone could be use for your success.
The time you could be using to be successful you're using it on the cell and the cell phone
is not bringing you nothing but a bill and some body has told you you couldn't live without
it. I'm talking about going deep now giving up stuff. Watch what it says "To be able at
any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could be". I don't do well in math, you're
right. You ain't never studied. I'm not good in writing cause you have never written before,
but I dare you to fail in writing for a whole year to see if you can get to the end. I dare
you to fail, I dare you to take that same class over and over again. I dare you to stop
dropping classes like you soft. Always wanting to give up, "I'm dropping". Why are you dropping?
I'm so grateful that the slaves didn't drop and quit saying "I'm just gonna stop, I'm
a slave, I'm just going to be a slave, Ima quit". Listen to me the slaves said, "We will
live because one day we will become". "We won't always be slaves so today although we're
slaves we gonna act like we free and one day our children will be free", if the slaves
would have just said, "We quit we give up". We would have died in the middle passage but
some slaves said, "I don't care what we go through we gonna survive this". Four hundred
years of slavery we gonna get through this and you can't get through eighteen through
twenty five you can't through a writing class and you got tutor after tutor, resource after
resource. The problem is you ain't never felt no pain before you're soft. This is a soft
generation you quit on everything. Our people did not quit. Harriet Tubman not only made
it she went back and got some more. She said, "You know what I made it but I'm going to
walk all". Listen to me (shshsh) not ride the bus, "Ima walk all the way back down to
the south to get some more" and you quitting on eighteen twenty-five. Now watch this, you
quit after you listen to me you get a sleeping back and wait for em'. You wait for the first
WIA instructor to come in and you come out your sleeping back, I need help. You quit
after you do that you quit after you have, listen to me, a WRA party. "I'm having a party
everybody come over. I got food everything". and let them get over there let it be all
the best writers. "Alright, I fooled ya'll. I wanna have a writing party". I'm serious,
you're quitting and you ain't even trying. Last one last one I'm sorry. Listen to me,
pain is temporary. It may last for a minute or a hour or a day or even a year but eventually
it will subside and something else will take his place. If I quit however it will last
forever. Listen to me I'm telling you guys I leave. Telling you guys I'll leave. I was
homeless for two and a half years and the problem with most of you, you have never have
felt no pain before. Ya'll spoiled. Ya'll spoiled some of ya'll spoiled just bottom
line. Your parents have done everything for you. You have never have done nothing for
yourself you're spoiled. We gonna keep it real tonight some of you are spoiled brats.
Every time you ever gotten trouble somebody your house got you out of it. Every time you
done something you're not suppose to do people say, "Eric your mother is a tyrant". You're
right! She kicked me out you're right she's mean but she developed the man because she
put me out there and said, " You gonna have to grow up" and some of you have never learn
to grow up and so every time some get hard you quit you call momma. I dare you to take
a little pain I dare you, I dare you not to go home. Somebody said, "I gotta go home I
feel bad". Go go through it, you ain't gonna die at the end of the pain is success. You're
not gonna die because you feel a little pain. I'm not eaten like I eat at home that's why
you bought to go to the next level cause if you keep eating like you eat at home you'll
keep being a boy or a girl. It's time to become men, women. So don't worry about the little
pain. My greatest asset I was homeless so I can't feel a whole lot of pain. I already
been alone they're not a whole a lot of hurt I can feel on a little paper or a little test.
So I leave you I'll leave you, listen to me, we have gotten to a point where is midterms
and we're moving forward. The days have you getting money I'm not saying we're quitting
but I'm saying the day is gotta go from external to internal. You have to give it everything
you got no more t.v, no more parties, no more playing if you have a 4.0 what you need to
be doing is studying. Get off the phone, "I'm sorry I'm not available until the end of this
year". No I'm for real, "You reached the right number but you called me at the wrong time.
Call me back January 1st". I'm about to get busy now, huh? I want you to have a countdown
of your own and say when the countdown is over we're the real (shshsh) watch me cause
when I was homeless I knew something was wrong I knew that wasn't the best of me and one
day I said, "Where the real Eric Thomas please stand up, will the real Eric Thomas please
stand up". Stop being this high school dropout stop giving up stop sleeping on the streets
stop walking up and down, Finkel Avenue like you ain't got none and get your GED. Stop
being afraid to take a test, stop being afraid to go to college cause your daddy didn't go
and your momma didn't go. Stop being afraid and being the best Eric Thomas you can be
but listen to me this is gonna be hard it took me twelve years to get a four year degree
but I got it and guess what but on a degree it don't have dates. So if took you four it
took me twelve it don't show up nowhere but I'm exactly where I want to be because I realized
I gotta commit my very being to this thing. I gotta breath it, I gotta eat it, I gotta
sleep it and until you get there you will never be a successful in life but once you
get there I guarantee you the world is yours so work hard and you could have whatever it
is you want, thank you guys for your time. (Applause)



Do What I Say, Not What I Do, Wrong!!!

Hey all, I just want to take a bit of time to chat about health and fitness, and how it relates to children. Here's the thing, children are going to model their behavior after what they see, especially in relation to their parents and other siblings. Additionally, the correlation between adopting a healthy lifestyle when young, and exhibiting the same behaviors as one ages, is very strong. So what am I getting at? It is very important, very important, that we combat this terrible trend of childhood obesity. We cannot solely depend on schools (when I was a kid we had gym class every day, now it's once or twice per week). The real action is at home. As parents, it's important that we portray the type of behavior that we'd like to instill in our children. Children look up to their parents, and thus will model their behavior accordingly. So if you want to see your son or daughter eat a healthy diet, you should be eating a healthy diet. If you want to see them exercising regularly, you should be exercising regularly. Children are more perceptive than we give them credit for, they are like sponges looking for stimuli to absorb. Provide a healthy environment for your children. Encourage good eating habits, education on the bad ones, and communicate with them. Finally, most of all, set a good example by adopting the behaviors yourself.



Hey all, new video here on supplements and my feelings towards supplementation.  I'm churning these videos out like butter, sorry that the quality isn't the greatest, but it's being taken from my computer cam.  Anyhow, here it is:


Get the Edge!

Sorry guys, another video with my ugly mug, enjoy :)


Top Five Shoulder Exercises

Hey guys, here are my top 5 choices for shoulder exercises. The shoulder, or deltoid, is divided up into the front, medial, and rear, and like chest, it's important to hit all areas. Check out these exercise and give them a shot for a well balanced deltoid region.

1/ Military press- either barbell or dumbbell great exercise for the front deltoid.

2/ Side laterals- grab some dumbbells and use this exercise to blast your medial deltoid.

3/ Rear machine flys- I love this exercise to target the rear head of the deltoid, smooth and easy.

4/ Front Raises- grab those dumbells again and raise them to about nose level to the front, great for the front delts.

5/ Upright Rows- either barbell or dumbbell great for the traps and medial to rear delts.

Try these exercises out you all, and develop great shoulders.


Overtraining, Does it Exist?

Hey all, here's a video on my feelings in regards to overtraining.  Hope all is well!


Chest Training

Hey guys, Just wanted to include some information about chest training. I have had some questions recently about the best way to train the chest, and I thought I'd blog about it. When training chest, we are talking about a few things. Presses, flys, and crossovers. Additionally, we are also talking angles, incline, flat, or decline. So here's the scoop. When approaching the chest, you should always include movements to work the upper, lower, and inner chest. Incline movements such as incline bench press, inline flyes, incline crossover, are going to work that upper area of the chest. For the lower chest, you're going to want to include some decline work, ie decline barbell bench press or dumbbell, decline, flys, etc. To work the inner chest, crossovers and pec deck flys are going to work the best. Be sure to include a variety of angles, and to mix in both dumbbell and barbell movements. Always keep your body guessing, and train intense!


Bring The Boat IN Baby!

Hey guys, here's a video I did on one of my favorite quotes.  Check it out at


Rise and Shine

"Rise and shine.

6am and your hand can't make it to the alarm clock before the voices in your head start telling you that it's too early, too dark, and too cold to get out of a bed.

Aching muscles lie still in rebellion, pretending not to... hear your brain commanding them to move

A legion of voices are shouting their unanimous permission for you to hit the snooze button and go back to dreamland, but you didn't ask their opinion.

The voice you've chosen to listen to is one of defiance.

A voice that's says there was a reason you set that alarm in the first place. So sit up, put your feet on the floor, and don't look back because we've got work to do.

Welcome to The Grind!

For what is each day but a series of conflicts between the right way and the easy way, 10,000 streams fan out like a river delta before you, Each one promising the path of least resistance.

Thing is, you're headed upstream. And when you make that choice, when you decide to turn your back on what's comfortable and what's safe and what some would call "common sense", well that's day 1. From there it only gets tougher.

So just make sure this is something you want. Because the easy way out will always be there, ready to wash you away, all you have to do is pick up your feet.

But you aren't going to are you?
With each step comes the decision to take another

You're on your way now

But this is no time to dwell on how far you've come. You're in a fight against an opponent you can't see

Oh but you can feel him on your heels can't you?

Feel him breathing down your neck

You know what that is? That's you...Your fears, your doubts and insecurities all lined up like a firing squad ready to shoot you out of the sky

But don't lose heart

While they aren't easily defeated, they are far from invincible

Remember this is The Grind

The Battle Royale between you and your mind, your body and the devil on your shoulder who's telling you that this is just a game, this is just a waste of time, your opponents are stronger than you.

Drown out the voice of uncertainty with the sound of your own heartbeat

Burn away your self doubt with the fire that's beneath you

Remember what you're fighting for

And never forget that momentum is a cruel mistress, She can turn on a dime with the smallest mistake.

She is ever searching for that weak place in your armor

That one tiny thing you forgot to prepare for

So as long as the devil is hiding the details, the question remains,"is that all you got?", "are you sure?"

And when the answer is "yes". That you've done all you can to prepare yourself for battle THEN it's time to go forth and boldly face your enemy, the enemy within
Only now you must take that fight into the open, into hostile territory
You're a lion in a field of lions

All hunting the same elusive prey with a desperate starvation that says VICTORY is the only thing that can keep you alive

So believe that voice that says " you CAN run a little faster " and that " you CAN throw a little harder " and that " you CAN dive a little deeper" and that, for you, the laws of physics are merely a suggestion.

Luck is the last dying wish of those who wanna believe that winning can happen by accident, sweat on the other hand is for those who know it's a choice, so decide now because destiny waits for no man. And when your time comes and a thousand different voices are trying to tell you you're not ready for it, listen instead for that lone voice in decent the one that says you are ready, you are prepared, it's all up to you now.

So rise and shine.


Post Workout Meal

Hey guys, the topic today is the post workout meal, and it's importance. There has been much debate over the concept of the post workout meal. Some believe that it doesn't make a difference, and that as long as you are hitting your macronutrients for the day, that is all that matters. Some believe you need a large meal to replenish, and some believe you shouldn't eat until your body settles from the workout. So what are my thoughts?

A lot of what I believe centers around my experience, and what makes sense to me based on my knowledge of the human body and performance. It's my belief that while working out, you are breaking down your muscles, literally causing micro tears, and depleting them of their protein. Therefore, I believe an element of the post workout meal should include adequate protein for muscle recovery. I typically recommend 30 or so grams.

I also feel that a carb source is a good idea as well. While working out, you deplete your muscle's glycogen supply, so I like some carbs post workout as well, however, I prefer more of a complex carb source rather than a simple carb source.

Finally, I recommend using a liquid form ie a protein/nutritional shake post workout. My reasoning here is that while working out, your blood is obviously in your muscles. Rather than forcing that blood back into the digestive tract to break down a big meal into a liquid form to absorb, I prefer taking it easy on my body and giving it a quickly absorbable already liquid meal for quick recovery.

Hope this helps!


Youtube Is Up and Running!

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that I have the youtube channel up and running at .  If you have any questions or topics you'd like me to discuss, just shoot me a comment in the youtube box and I'll try to do a video on it.  I must say, it's very odd speaking to a camera, but I think it will be a very cool and fun tool to help you along your quest.  Thanks guys, and, oh yeah, no making fun of me or my videos please :)


Check This Out!

Hey guys, Just wanted to share one of the coolest videos I have seen in a very long time. There is going to come a time when you aren't going to feel like working out, where your motivation is dwindling, and you'd rather take the day off. If you need some inspiration, check this video out. I can't watch it without getting emotional and motivated. Hope it helps:


Top 5 Carbohydrate Sources


Carbs, carbs, carbs, when did you get such a bad wrap? Let's stop being afraid of carbs all together, and become a little more aware of their value and importance. When viewing carb sources, it's important to choose sources that are going to keep your insulin level stable, not cause such a large spike. Simple sugars such as sodas, juices, most cereals, etc. should be avoided. However, there are some good carbs too! When choosing carbs, I like the following. They aren't sugary, and will help to keep you satiated, and energetic throughout your day.

1) sweet potatoes- love them, very nutrient dense, and an excellent sources of energy and complex carbs.

2) brown rice- again, will sustain your insulin levels, and keep your energy levels up.

3) oatmeal- excellent fiber source, and slow burning carb to keep your energy constant.

 4) fruit- yes fruit, it's a simple carb ie fructose, but micronutrient profile is great.

 5) yams- love them, nutrient dense, and will certainly keep you full.

Remember, when you are training hard, you need your carbs. Try some of these sources, they will most certainly help


Motivation, What is it?

Motivation, what is it? How can you use it, and how can it hinder or help you? In my mind, motivation is that burning desire, conscious or subconscious, that either helps you achieve your goals, or gets in the way and makes it virtually impossible to succeed. We all have underlying forces that drive us, whether we are aware of it or not, and I'm willing to bet that most people who succeed, know how to channel those internal motives. It has been my experience as a personal trainer, working with hundreds of clients and personalities, that those who are internally motivated tend to achieve the most. Not those who want to look better for their spouse, or those who just want to drop a few pounds. It's those clients who want it, and want it for themselves. They plan, they eat right, they train hard, they give you those extra reps, and they workout even when they don't feel like it. The last comment is so important. I'd say a good portion of the time, you are not going to want to workout. You're tired, stressed, overworked, have to get up early in the am, have to pick up the kids, that time of the month, I've heard it all. You know the saying, "excuses are like bleep, everyone has one." Don't be that person, and believe that your character and will are stronger than those fleeting feelings of laziness. Decide to be something, to do something, and learn to tap into whatever motivated you to get started in the first place. Lastly, I wanted to include a link to a great youtube clip, whenever you are lacking the motivation, this should do the trick.  

 Best in Health.



Top Ten Protein Sources

So we all know protein is important, as it builds, maintains, and repairs muscle tissue. However, where do we get it from? What are the best sources of protein?

When considering protein, it's important to try to ingest proteins that are considered "complete proteins" meaning they have all the essential amino acids, and in good ratios. Here are some protein sources that I feel will yield the best benefit:

1) Egg Whites- excellent source of complete protein, low carb, low fat, great source
2) Chicken breast- make sure to grill it, and be careful what you dress it with.
3) Fish- great source of protein and omega 3's.
4) Whey protein- great biological value, and easy to mix.
5) Nuts- good source of protein, and good fats.
6) Turkey- a good, lean, source.
7) Milk- go with the skim.
8) Yogurt- good source of calcium and protein.
9) Protein bars- can be filled with junk and sugar, but some have their place.
10)Steak- go with the sirloin.

Hope this help, let me know what you think!


Building Strong Arms

Hey all, I hope this entry finds you well. Today's topic, how to build strong, tone arms.

Okay, first off, when considering the arms, we need to remember that their are two different muscles that comprise the arm. You have the triceps (the back of the arm) and the biceps. The triceps are named so because they have 3 muscular heads and thus make up the majority of the upper arm. The biceps have 2 muscular heads, and contrary to popular belief, consist of less of the arm. So how do we train them?

Just like any other body part, the arms are going to respond best to an overload, and good intensity. I like to train arms on their own day, focusing solely on the triceps first, and than the biceps. You can do the reverse, and typically I recommend giving the priority to which ever part is less developed. You want to focus on that part of the arm first, when you are at your freshest, and have the most energy.

Next, formulate your plan. For triceps, I typically like to include a variety of press down movements, focusing on strict form (elbows tight) and a strong contraction on the bottom. Dips are also another great exercise to work the triceps. Whichever exercises you choose, make sure you always change the order, the weight, the reps, etc. to keep your body guessing. That will allow for continued progress.

For the biceps, I occasionally will do barbell curls, but I tend to gravitate towards dumbbells and cables. I just feel as though I get a stronger contraction with dumbbells and cables. Again, vary your exercise, reps, weights, etc.

As long as your are changing things up, you should see good results. Remember two very important factors will always be your diet and intensity level.

Good luck!


Do I Need a Personal Trainer?

Why do I need a personal trainer? Very, very, good question. Let's face it, life can get busy, it can get stressful, and exercise and working out isn't always going to be on the front burner. Be honest with yourself, at the end of the day, after you have driven home in traffic, had your dinner, put the kids to bed, and spent some time with your significant other, do you find yourself working out intensely or going straight to bed? I'd be willing to bet that you are hitting the sack. We have become accustomed to being busy, working longer hours, taking on more responsibilities and caring for everything but ourselves and our health. Bottom line is, if you aren't taking care of your body, taking care of your mind, and improving your overall well-being it's just a matter of time before it catches up with you. So that brings us back to the original question, why do I need a personal trainer? The number one reason I typically get from clients is accountability. When starting to work with a trainer, you are going to have set workout times, and you know when that time comes, you'll be getting that workout in. That helps for so many reasons. One is your body thrives on consistency, and two, having that appointment time allows you to make sure you don't let anything interfere with your workout. Next, there's motivation. A personal trainer is going to motivate you, energize you, and sometimes even make you angry :) They're going to find those buttons to push, and push them to get everything they possibly can out of you. A good personal trainer knows what motivates his/her client, he/she will use that to their advantage. Intensity, intensity, intensity! I'm sorry you all, but you have to have it, and no program will succeed without it. Now don't get me wrong, it needs to be progressive, but without the right intensity and stimulus, your body is not going to make the adaptation and change. It's very hard to replicate the intensity with a trainer on your own. Finally, working out with someone is more fun than working out alone. It passes the time, it can be a catharsis where you can spill all your emotion bottled up inside, and at the end of the day, it's going to get you in shape faster, and let's be honest, results are important. I wish you all the best of luck in your quest, whatever it may be.


Do I have to do Cardio?

Do I have to do cardio? Here's a question I receive almost daily, and it's fair enough. "If I am eating clean, and I mean clean, why do I have to do cardio, isn't it just calories in and calories out?" Can't I just deplete my carbs and lose the bodyfat? What's the scoop? My friends, I think we have lost our way. Why do we exercise anyways?

Why did you start working out? In one word, health. Exercising isn't about how many you can bench press, how much muscle you can put on, or how great you can look in a bikini, it's about health. At the end of the day, what matters is how you are feeling, your energy level, the ability to meet your daily demands, and longevity. Cardiovascular exercise has so many benefits. Through cardio, you are stimulating your heart, your blood vessels, your muscles, and so much more. It helps to keep your blood pressure in check, your cholesterol in check, your immune system strong, and so much more.

 Not only does cardio have major physiological benefits, but it really can benefit the mind as well. How many of us are stressed, anxious, and worn out. Cardio has been proven to release endorphins and chemicals that help to increase serotonin levels thus improving your mood and overall sense of being. It's an excellent stress reliever, and a very positive way to release tension. I can almost guarantee that after a bout of cardio, you will feel better, be more efficient, and think more clearly.

So do you have to do cardio? The answer is yes! Cardio will improve your cholesterol, your blood pressure, and help with weight and bodyfat loss. It will help psychologically, in releasing endorphins and helping to improve serotonin levels. Cardio will help you absorb nutrients from food better and improve digestion. So learn to become one with cardio, cardio is your friend!


Friday, January 1st:

New Years Message from Tony

Another from Tony regarding New Years:

Hi Everyone,
I wanted to personally wish all of you a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous 2010!
This year will be the year you have been waiting for! Its up to you to make that happen!
I know that this year I will make my first MILLION!
This year, I will achieve every goal I have set out to accomplish! I will accomplish more this year than I have accomplished in the last 10 years!
I know for a fact that if you can see it in your mind then what could stop it from happening?
I want to challenge you all this year. In your mind, envision every dream, every goal, every wish coming true!  See yourself having health, money, success, happiness, and peace!
The sky is the limit and there is no shortage of what can be yours!
Don't believe in the economy being bad and that were in hard times or that you're over and out or nothing good happens to you because all those negative thoughts will become a reality!
2010 can be your finest year if you believe!
This year will be my YEAR! I see it already! I see myself at the very top!
I also want to take this time to thank all of my enemies. The more you hate me and the more you hope to destroy me, the stronger I get and the more I achieve! So please don't stop hating me!
I wish us Happiness!
I wish us Health!
I wish us Peace!
I wish us Strength
I wish us Wealth!
Happy New Year and God Bless!
Anthony Catanzaro


Hey all, I hope that this entry finds you well and enjoying the holiday with family and friends.  The following is a nice entry sent to me by a friend of mine named Anthony Catanzaro.  I just wanted to share his thoughts:

Hello All!
Well another year has come and gone and I know this year has been challenging for many.  There has been so much negative energy thrown everywhere and its very hard to stay in a positive frame of mine when all you hear is bad depressing news.
Every year for the past 6 years I have been sending you messages of hope, messages of faith, messages from deep down in my soul...People wonder if I ever face challenges they wonder well Tony must have the greatest life in the world, he has everything going for him and so on and so forth. I want you all to know that I face the same challenges you face every day. I'm no different than you.  I have ups and downs and everything in between but there is one thing I don't have and that's a defeated mentality.
Christmas is here and I know there are a lot of you that may not feel the spirit this year, you may not be feeling that Christmas magic like you did before. You may be saying to yourself I don't feel like celebrating this year, I'm not in the Christmas sprit, I'm broke, etc, etc, etc, STOP!
Remember when you were a kid, remember when Christmas morning was the greatest day ever. Remember when you would wake up and run to the tree to see what Santa brought you. I sure do. I remember the magic of Christmas, its in my heart.
 I know there are many of you who are not Christians and don't observe Christmas but understand where I'm coming from.
 This is the most magical time of year there is a feeling in the air  and if you quiet your soul for just a moment you will feel the magic of Christmas which is simply LOVE...
They say Love is sometimes not enough but my friend to me all you need is love. Its the strongest emotion we have. When we love and give love we receive that same love back.
I believe in Christmas miracles.. I believe there is a reason for everything good or bad. no matter what you have been through no matter what challenges you face there's one thing that can never be taken away from you unless you let it and that's love..
Love beats everything!
For the past 6 years I have been sending you messages of inspiration but this year I'm sending you a simple message LOVE..
I want you all to know there are many different meanings of what Christmas is all about, some want to be politically correct, some want only to recognize Jesus, some really no idea what 'Christmas is about at all.
Love is what this time of year is all about...just Love for you and everyone you meet, even your enemies.
Find the love in your heart and you will find Christmas all over again..
Tina and I wish you the happiest, the healthiest, the most  Joyous, and most wonderful Christmas and New year you've ever had in your entire life! And of course we wish you LOVE!
May this year be full of positive thoughts, may it be your finest hour all year long! And may the spirit of Christmas live in your hearts forever!
Merry Christmas and God Bless!
Anthony Catanzaro


Saturday, December 19th:

Let it snow, I think?

Hey all, I hope that this entry finds you well, especially if you live on  the east coast.  Today, as many of you already know, we got hit by a blizzard bringing us roughly 15-20 inches of snow.  I must admit, I definitely doubted such accumulations beforehand, but wow!  When the snow started coming down, I was all for it until it just kept coming, and coming, and coming.  I could barely get outside my front door.  My poor dog refused to walk in the snow, and I froze my behind off all day.  This is how I know I am getting old.  When I was a kid, there would have been nothing better than 20 inches of snow, but now, I find myself wishing it would stop.

Anyhow, I know it's kind of a silly entry, but I just couldn't believe how much snow we got.  Hopefully all of you out there are safe, and enjoying the time inside with your families. 

I wish you all the best in health, and Happy Holidays!



Tuesday, December 15th:


Hey all, I hope that this entry finds you and yours, well.  I apologize for it being so long between entries, things have been very hectic.  Weddings, family events, my new dog "Rocky," all good stuff.  Anyhow, I just wanted to drop you all a line to let you know that after New Year's, be sure to check my blog periodically for some new contests and challenges.  I have some interesting things in store.

Also, I plan on expanding and adding much more motivational material to my site.  I'll keep you all posted. 

As always, wishing you all the best in health,

Your friend in health,



Sunday, September 6th:

Get in shape, adopt a dog...

Hey all, I hope that this entry finds you well.  I am happy to say that my fiancé and I just recently added a member to the family.  We just adopted a Boxador (boxer/lab mix) from the shelter.  Let me tell you something, this dog is the greatest.  Never barks, never makes a mess in the house or chews a thing, and he's the most affectionate dog I have ever seen.  As my fiancé says, if we ever had a burglar, Rocky would just lick him to death :)

Another great benefit of having dog, outside of the unconditional love and enjoyment, is the exercise.  I have been walking this guy 3X a day.  Walking a dog is great aerobic exercise.  Rocky and I have a great exercise regimen (okay, maybe I am crazy). 

We start off by walking first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, burning just fat as a fuel source.  Then mid-afternoon we take another stroll focusing on hills and trails.  Finally, late night after a weight workout, we hit the hills again.  I know, I must have issues, but all kidding aside, walking a dog can be great exercise for both the dog and his/her owner :)

Oh yeah, I almost forgot.  Another reason why having a dog can be great exercise is the trips to the dumpster.  I love my dog, I mean, love my dog.  But he's a puppy, and although he started off well, recently he has been pooping and peeing in my house on a daily basis.  So in addition to the walks, there are always the occasional trips to the dumpster to drop of the waste.

I wish you all the best in health and happiness,

Your friend in health,



Saturday, September 5th:

Be committed...

Hey all, I hope that this entry finds you all well and enjoying the holiday weekend with your friends and family.  After thinking about a conversation I had the other day with a client, I just had to blog about it.  The client said that she was SO busy that she doesn't have the time to meet with her trainer anymore.  To be honest, I have never been so baffled.

First off, her trainer lives roughly five minutes away, and in theory, could be at her door most hours of the day, if not, weekends.  However, our client felt that there was no flexibility in her day to meet with her trainer.  Not only was her trainer extremely confused, but I was dumbfounded.

Let me tell you something, nothing in life comes easy.  Building a business is not easy.  Performing on "Dancing With The Stars" is not easy.  And yes, I'll extend to you that working out is not easy.  However, nothing baffles me more than when someone tries to convince me that there is not enough time in the day to work out.  Is there enough time to brush your teeth, to watch tv, to check your email 50 times, absolutely! 

As the owner of EPT, my job is my life, and I consider our 30 plus trainers to be my family.  I bust my behind all day every day to help our team, and assist our trainers in doing what they love, training.  Not only have I not missed a week of exercise in 20 years, but most days I find myself getting my workout in around 11 pm.  So where am I going with this?

Be honest with yourself.  Ask yourself if you are committed, don't lie to yourself.  Don't project your failures on anybody but yourself, and that my friends will help you accomplish your goals.

I wish you all the best in health and happiness,

Your friend in health,



Thursday, September 3rd:

I'm Back!

Hey all, sorry it has been so long between posts, but I hope this entry finds you all well.  Things here on my end have been a bit hectic.  My sister got engaged, I got engaged :), adopted a dog, and the list goes on and on.  However, I have something new that I am working on and can't wait to tell you about.  I can't tell you yet, I am still waiting to get a few ducks in order.  However, continue to check my posts and you'll find out soon enough. 

I wish you all the best in health and happiness,

Your friend in health,



Thursday, May 14th

"Some times you have to swim through the mud to get to the prairie."

"Some times you have to swim through the mud to get to the prairie."

Okay, what are you talking about Eric?  Let me tell you something, there are so many parallels that can be drawn between exercise, and life in general.  Unless your Paris Hilton or something, things aren't always going to be easy.  It's not like someone's just going to hand you a million dollars and say do what you want.  You have got to earn it. 

I know, I know, your tired.  You have thirty kids, and you work a 100 hour week, I have heard it all.  To be honest, I don't care.  The will to succeed doesn't have anything to do with the obstacles one faces, it has to do with inner desire and ambition.  There will always be hard times and challenging events in life, that's just the way it is.  But, "some times you have to swim through the mud to get to the prairie."

Listen, I consider myself to be one of the luckiest people out there.  I have a great career, great girl, and great family.  I love what I do everyday, and feel so fortunate, you wouldn't believe.  However, was it always this way?  Well, anyone who knows me will tell you, the answer is certainly NO !  I have had my share of tough times, and even tougher times unfortunately.  But I am sure that all of you out there have.  So what do you do, fold the cards and bury your head in your hands?  No, you keep getting up and putting your anti down in the pot with the hope that things will get better.

Life's a roller coaster, never get to high, and never get too low.  You'll experience great times, followed by the humbling times.  However, whether it's exercise or the game of life, just be sure to get back up and put the anti in the pot :)

I wish you all the best in health and happiness,

Your friend in health,



Thursday, March 19th:

Almost Spring :)

Hey all, I hope that this entry finds you well.  So how about that weather yesterday?  If you are like me, you were probably thinking to yourself, "man, spring is right around the corner, time to kick it into gear."  That's the interesting thing about that first warm day after the winter, it will really get you thinking.  Soon enough the weather will be gorgeous, and it will be time to get out those spring and summer clothes from the back of the closet.  Are you ready?

If not, then now is the time.  Kick that diet into gear.  Get serious about your workout program.  Go above and beyond, don't just quit when you start feeling tired.  Run that extra lap, do that extra rep.  Get motivated!!!  After all, bathing suit season is right around the corner :)

I wish you all the best in health and happiness,

Your friend in health,



Sunday, March 8th:

A Special Thanks...

Hey all, I hope that this entry find you well.  Sorry it has been so long, but things around here have been nuts.  I have a few interesting projects that I have been working on, and look forward to sharing in the near future.  All of that aside, I just wanted to take the time to thank our clients, as well as our trainers.

Lets face it, the economy has been crazy, and things aren't quite as affordable as they use to be.  However, our clients have amazed me by sticking with us, even in this tough time.  I wanted to take the time to thank our clients for continuing to invest in our services.  I get asked all the time (most recently by journalists) "has the economy been hurting your business."  Fortunately, I am able to say that, although the economy has been rough, our company has remained as strong as ever.  We owe that all to our great clients and trainers, something that I would never take for granted.

First off, I just wanted to thank our clients.  Even in the down turn of the economy, you all continue to support our company and invest in our services.  We look forward to working our butts off to continue bringing the best in personal training to you all, and earning your investment.

In addition, I would like to thank our trainers.  You all are the best.  We have such a great team here at Every Body's Personal Trainer, and I just wanted to thank you guys for all of your hard work and dedication.

I wish you all the best in health and happiness,

Your friend in health,



Friday, February 6th:

Given up yet???

Hey everyone, I hope that this entry finds you all well.  So it's February, and studies say that by now, 3 out of 4 people have already given up on their New Year's resolutions to workout.  Have you given up yet?  Are you still being consistent with your workouts and your diet?  Are you going to be like everyone else, or are you finally going to make a difference?

Don't get me wrong, I am all for New Year's resolutions.  A clean slate is always a very nice thing, and I am all for whatever motivates someone to exercise.  However, what does drive me crazy, is how quickly people give up.  Listen, nothing comes easy.  If you went and talked to a panel of successful people, I guarantee that a common thread for success is hard work and a don't say die attitude.  I have been fortunate enough to train many successful people.  As I have eluded to in earlier entries, I try to learn as much as I can from my clients, all of whom I admire.  What have I found? 

Hard work! Discipline! Consistency! Motivation!  All of the same traits that it takes to get into shape.  Stop making excuses.  Stop feeling sorry for yourself.  Stop waiting for things to line up before you get serious.  There is never going to be the perfect time.  Stop waiting, make it happen.  The only one stopping you is you, not your husband/wife, kids, etc.  Get motivated, and get it done.

I wish you all the best in health and happiness,

Your friend in health,



Friday January 23rd:

Article from my friend...

Morning Protein Shake
By Dr. Joey Shulman D.C., RNCP Author

Do you grab a muffin or bagel for breakfast as you rush out the front door every morning? Do you skip breakfast in an attempt to cut calories or simply because you do not feel hungry? If so, you are not doing your body a favor. In fact, a recent study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that skipping breakfast was linked with a greater chance of obesity. People who skipped breakfast were more than four times more likely to be obese than those who ate breakfast daily.
A perfect way to start your morning is with a high energy shake that is packed with essential fats, proteins, antioxidant-rich fruits and fiber. Not only are shakes an ideal meal to maintain energy and boost metabolic function for weight loss, they are also incredibly quick and easy to make. Just toss your favorite ingredients into a blender and presto – your meal is ready to eat! From peanut butter chocolate smoothies for chocolate lovers to tangy tropical delights – shakes are a winning breakfast food.

Consider the following tips to include optimal nutrition in your morning shake:

1. For shiny hair and beautiful skin, add some essential fats, such as a tablespoon of flaxseed oil, to your morning shake.

2. Include your favorite fruits and vegetables for a hearty serving of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

3. Try to use frozen fruit within 2 or 3 weeks as the taste will alter the longer fruit stays in the freezer.

4. Looking for an energy boost? Add some green powder to your am shake to put some extra pep in your step.

5. Add water and/or soymilk to your shake for a liquid base. If you are looking to cut calories, avoid sugary fruit juices.

6. For a creamier shake, add a high quality yogurt.

7. Instead of ice cream, create healthy Popsicles by freezing smoothies made from yogurt.

8. To help keep calories down, use low fat dairy products in your morning shake.

9. Try to drink your shake immediately after making it. Shakes tend to separate and change consistency when left to sit. If you have to make a morning shake in advance, toss it in the blender to mix it before drinking.

10. To prevent your blender from backing up, add liquid first, followed by solid ingredients.


Wednesday, December 31st:

Have a safe New Year's...

Hey everyone, I hope that this entry finds you all well.  Yes, New Year's eve is upon us, and unless you are like me and don't have much of a life (I do own two bunnies :) then you are probably going out to celebrate.  I just wanted to wish everyone a safe, and happy New Year's.  Please be careful, driving around on New Year's can be very scary.  Please, if you choose to drink, please do so responsibly (I sound like one of those beer commercials ). 

All kidding aside, I hope that everyone has a great night. 

I wish you all the best in health and happiness,

Your friend in health,



Thursday, December 25th:

Happy Holidays...

Hey everyone, I hope that this entry finds you all well, and that you are enjoying the holidays with your loved ones.  I am sorry that it has been so long since my last entry, things have been nuts around here.  However, I just wanted to take the time to thank all of our clients, and trainers, and wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season. 

I know the holidays can get crazy, but remember to workout, and to be conscious of your caloric intake and expenditure.  If you can't meet with your trainer, please get your workouts in somehow.  It is so easy just to sit back, relax, and eat and neglect your exercise during the holidays.  Remember, keep that body moving.

Keep motivated!!!

P.s. Part of my New Years resolution (yes Joanne I believe in New Years resolutions :) is to work more on my blog, and motivational quote sections.  I plan on adding lots of motivational content in the near future.  I have also made a resolution to go to the dentist for the first time in years :) but that's off topic lol.

I wish you all the best in health and happiness,

Your friend in health,

Eric Leader


Sunday, November 9th:

We are in very good hands...

Hey everyone, I hope that this entry finds you well.  Over the weekend, I had the pleasure of working out with an Army Ranger.  You see, a client of mine had her son and his family visit for the weekend, and yes, he is an Army Ranger.  Knowing his mom well, I had no doubt the apple wouldn't fall far from the tree.

Now remember, I have worked with all sorts of clients.  I have worked with collegiate athletes, professional athletes, bodybuilders, power lifters, and some of the strongest willed people you'll ever meet.  It takes a lot to impress me when it comes to working out.  However, I have to give it to them, this family is special.

After working out with Chris and his mom (who it just so happens use to be a Supervisory Special Agent in the FBI) I was truly in awe, and that does not happen often.  First there is Chris,  a high ranking member of the Army Rangers, an elite special force unit.  This guy wouldn't quit.  His muscular endurance, intensity, and ability to recover were top notch.  What was also impressive was the fact that Chris carries a lot of muscle, yet can run and match the muscular endurance of someone much lighter.  As a trainer, you always gage the intensity of the workout and workload by a client's facial expressions, not this guy.  Instead of waiting for his muscles to fail like most normal people, I found myself just asking him to stop.  He could have gone all day. 

As impressive as Chris was, his mother (and his wife Julie) were right there with him.  No one gave up, no one stopped, everyone pushing themselves to the limit.  They were tough as nails, something that I have a tremendous amount of respect for.

Well my friends, if the rest of the military is anything even close to this guy, we are in very good hands.  Not only is Chris one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, this guy is about as mentally and physically tough as they come. 

Keep motivated!!!

I wish you all the best in health and happiness,

Your friend in health,

Eric Leader


Thursday, October 30th:

"The Data Bank"

Hey everyone, I hope that this entry find you all well.  Today's entry is about what I like to call "The Data Bank."  So what exactly is The Data Bank?  What am I getting at here?

If you are a client of mine, chances are that you already know what The Data Bank is.  Before you can understand The Data Bank, let me take you back a bit.  Growing up, I was always in love with working out, and all aspects of physical activity.  I never understood why people didn't like working out, as I thought it was the greatest thing in the world.  As a funny side note, and although he may want to kill me, my brother was a perfect example.  He literally slept in the weight room in our house and didn't use it. 

As I pursued my studies of anatomy and kinesiology at JMU, I took my first psychology class as part of my General Education requirement.  It was very basic, psych 101, you know Freud and Adler etc.  However, as a result of that class, I fell in love with psychology (and no it wasn't because psychology classes tend to have more female classmates :).  I always felt that to train your body, you had to train your mind as well.  So I began using all of my allotted electives for psychology courses.  I took so many psych classes, I almost had enough credits to fulfill the major requirements for psychology at Madison.

Anyhow, The Data Bank right.  In all of my experience throughout my childhood, right on up til' today, I have learned so much in regards to psychology and fitness/nutrition.  So what have I found?

It is my opinion, based on my experiences, that motivation is the root of everything.  I don't care if you are the smartest person in the world and the most gifted, without motivation you will never fully self actualize. Everybody has the motivation, it's just that most people do not keep it in their conscious mind.  Most people tend to suppress their motives and desires, and go about life as usual.  What most people do not realize is that our subconscious motives are what drives us.  If you can be conscious of them, you will benefit immensely.

Okay, Okay, what am I getting at here (I never said I was the greatest writer :).  It is my opinion, that everybody has what I call a "Data Bank."  In this "Data Bank" are thoughts, memories, goals, etc that drive us.  It could be a boyfriend that said you were fat, or a parent that said you would never amount to anything, etc.  If you can channel these thoughts that are stored up in this "Data Bank" into your conscious mind, you will have the motivation to accomplish anything.

When working with my clients, I use the "Data Bank" theory all the time.  When a client is getting ready for a tough exercise, I will often say, "you better use that Data Bank on this one."  By saying this, I am relaying the idea that they should think about that thought, memory, whatever, in their subconscious and bring it to their conscious mind and use it as motivation.

Wow, maybe I got a bit too deep here, and maybe none of this made sense to you.  However, I use this theory in my everyday life in everything I do.  Motivation is the key, always keep motivated.  Don't be afraid to tap into that subconscious "Data Bank."  It is my belief that everyone, and I mean everyone, has the capacity to accomplish anything.

Keep motivated!!!

I wish you all the best in health and happiness,

Your friend in health,

Eric Leader


Thursday, October 9th:

Just get off your butt...

Hey everyone, I hope that this entry finds you all well.  I was speaking with a client of mine the other day, and we got to talking about fatigue, and working out.  Lets face it, the biggest reasons not to workout are time and fatigue.  How often do you catch yourself thinking, "oh I can't workout today, I am too tired and don't want to further exhaust myself for tomorrow?"  Or how about, "I just don't have the time today, I'll get to it next time."

Lets face it, there will never be the right time or energy level to workout.  In my opinion, (and if you are a client of mine you are probably sick of hearing this analogy) working out is like brushing your teeth.  How many times have you been in bed, or on the couch, and just wanted to turn in without brushing your teeth?  You are comfortable and tired, and just don't feel like getting up.  However, somehow you get yourself to the bathroom knowing that you have to brush your teeth.

In my mind, working out is the same way.  We all know that we have to do it, however, sometimes we just don't feel like getting up and doing it.  Somehow you have to make that decision to get up and do it, just like brushing your teeth (ironically enough I have awful teeth, but that is off topic :). 

Let me tell you something my friends, (wow I sound like McCain) I would say at least 4 or 5 times out of 10 I don't feel like working out.  My work out time (due to my training and running the business) is at 9:00 p.m. crazy right?  Do I like working out that late, not really.  However, it has to be done. 

Lets face it, our lives are all crazy, especially this day in age with the economy the way it is.  However, make exercise that one constant in your life that you can control.  Build your world around it, and make it a fundamental aspect of your lifestyle.  Trust me, you'll be healthier, more efficient, and more successful in your endeavors.

Keep motivated!!!

I wish you all the best in health and happiness,

Your friend in health,

Eric Leader


Tuesday, September 30th:

Just wanted to give thanks...

Hey all, I hope that this entry find you well.  I just wanted to take the time in this entry to thank all of our clients.  It is rare, in my opinion, to be able to do what you love these days.  Lets face it, the economy is crazy right now, and there are so many people out there just killing themselves to make ends meet. 

I know that I speak for our whole team here at Every Body's when I say that it is because of our great clients that we are able to do what we love.  Although you may hate us at times :) we really do appreciate all of your business.  I want you to all know, that no matter what, you can contact us any time.  At Every Body's Personal Trainer, we consider our client to be not only our members, but our friends.

Anyhow, maybe this entry was a bit sappy, and maybe I am just a bit overjoyed by Brett Favre's 6 td's this weekend, but I really would like to thank you all.

p.s.  I am going to do my best to continually update my motivational quote page.  Sorry I have been so busy :(

Keep motivated!!!

I wish you all the best in health and happiness,

Your friend in health,

Eric Leader


Monday, September 22nd:

Results of the Physique Challenge Are In...

New Update !!!

The results are in from the physique transformation competition.  Congratulations to the winners, we have a lot of respect for all of your hard work and dedication.  We saw some remarkable transformations, and we hope that all of you had fun with the competition.  For those who didn't place, no need to worry, there will be another competition held in a few months.

Best of health, and congratulations to the following winners:

1st place-Debra Leone

2nd place-Jim Mitchell

3rd place (tie) Kim Mitchell and Lisa White


Wednesday, September 17th:

Results of the Physique Challenge...

Hey everyone, I hope that this entry finds you all well.  I just wanted to update everyone on the status of the physique transformation competition.  I know you are all eagerly awaiting the results, and I am very close to having the winners determined.

I apologize about the delay, I have been in New York celebrating my friend's wedding (congratulations Joe).  By the way, driving to New York in the rain isn't much fun.  Neither is getting lost in the city for that matter.

Anyhow, I am hoping to have the winners determined by the end of the week.  I have seen some amazing transformations and I am looking forward to awarding the winners myself.

Keep motivated!!!

I wish you all the best in health and happiness,

Your friend in health,

Eric Leader


Saturday, September 6th:

Welcome to our team Amy...

Hey you all, hope this entry finds you well and that you are enjoying this rainy Saturday.  As mentioned earlier, I am very excited to have Amy Barnes on our personal training team.  You see, Amy's story is quite amazing.  She has lost 325 pounds!!!

As a fitness professional and a mother of two, Amy understands firsthand the challenges of balancing healthy habits with the demands of a busy life. “It is hard to find time to get in shape and it’s even harder to find the motivation to stay in shape”. Fitness was not always a part of Amy’s life, just four years ago; she weighed in at a mere 485lbs and 52%BMI. Amy is a single mom with two very active boys, she knew that they needed her and they needed her to be healthy. It was time for Amy to change her life. No more fad diets or diet pills, the good old fashioned way, with exercise and a lifestyle change. Amy did not want to call it a diet, as we all know diets DO NOT work. Amy had to make it a revolutionary life change. She remembers her first week all too clearly. Amy was too embarrassed to go into a gym. So she started by working out in her living room. To date, Amy has LOST 325lbs and her BMI is only 14%!! “There were so many times I was tired, weak and frustrated, but knew I couldn't give up. I know if I can do it, anyone can.”

Amy has continued a quest to help others and is actively engaged in continuing to determine what works and what doesn’t. “As I see something new come into the fitness and nutrition scene, I am committed to learning about it correctly so I can share the important parts with others.”
Amy is also a lifestyle and fitness coach offering personal training, nutritional consulting and motivational speaking. “My goal is to inspire people to take action and get moving! Over the years, I have learned that the best way to stay in shape is to make it your lifestyle and not a quick fix. My program incorporates movement, sound nutrition and positive thinking.”
Amy feels that through her struggle with weight loss, it is now time for her to give back. She is so passionate about helping others stay healthy and fit! Fitness is not just a job for Amy, it’s her life.





BMI 52%

Dress Size 34





BMI 14%

Dress Size 10


Wednesday, August 27th:

Exciting News...

Hey all, I hope that this entry finds you well.  I just had to let you all in on some exciting news.  I am pleased to welcome a new personal trainer to our team in the Northern Virginia area, named Amy Barnes.

Amy's story is unbelievable.  Everyone ready to give up your excuses for not working out???  You see, Amy currently weighs in around 165 pounds.  Okay Eric, so what?  Well my friends, Amy used to weigh 485 pounds!!!  She has lost 320 pounds, unbelievable!!!

Not only does she wake up every morning to workout at 4 a.m. but she's also a mother, and we all know how much work that is.  I am so excited to welcome her to our team.  In the days to come, I look forward to including her in depth story, and some motivational tips from Amy herself...Stay tuned :)

Keep motivated!!!

I wish you all the best in health and happiness,

Your friend in health,

Eric Leader


Sunday, August 24th:

Just two weeks left...

Hey everyone, I hope that this entry finds you well.  As mentioned above, just two weeks left of the physique transformation contest.  I can't wait to see the results!  I have heard from many clients and trainers how excited they are about their transformations, and I can't wait to see the remarkable differences you all have made.

Remember, it's crunch time now.  It's time to put your engine in gear and get going.  Just two weeks left.  Eat right, train hard, stay disciplined and motivated.  Remember if not now, then when?

Find whatever motivates you and reach deep inside yourself.  Only you can make the difference.  Go that extra mile and don't give up on yourself.  Success always starts from within, be willing to put the time and the work in.  Remember, it's always better to regret something you did do, than something you didn't.

Keep motivated!!!

I wish you all the best in health and happiness,

Your friend in health,

Eric Leader


Tuesday, August 19th:

Working out with the Beach Boys???

Hey you all, I hope that this entry find you well.  So you are probably wondering why I am blogging about the Beach Boys, well check this out.

Yesterday, upon arriving for my session with Joanne F., I was informed that members of the Beach Boys were staying at her house.  You see Joanne had met the Beach Boys on a cruise, and had become friendly with the band members.  She had told me in a previous workout not to be surprised if they were over one day, but I suppose I didn't quite think it would happen.

So yes, there they were, band members of the Beach Boys in Joanne's house.  I know what you are thinking, did you work them out?  What kind of shape were they in?  Well at the risk of being anti-climatic, the answer is NO. 

You see, I told you the band members were present, but I did not say they were awake :)  Apparently Joanne's couches were more inviting.  The drummer was awake however, but chickened out :)  So there you have it, members of the Beach Boys, but no workout.

I wish you all the best in health and happiness,

Your friend in health,

Eric Leader


Sunday, August 17th:

Cardio, my mortal enemy....

Hey you all, I hope that this entry find you well.  Today's entry is for all of you cardio haters.  Anyone who knows me well, knows that I LOVE to exercise, but I HATE cardio.  However, as an exercise professional, I have learned all about the importance of cardio, and do agree with its relevance to every fitness program (that's right Gloria B, I hope you are reading this :).  However, that doesn't mean I have to like it.

Now don't get me wrong, I love exercise in all forms.  But the idea of making my heart flutter like a first date and feeling exhausted isn't much fun for me.  This being said, I have never met a barbell or dumbell that I didn't like, but cardio is definitely not a friend of mine.  However, being the slow-twitch fiber lacking person that I am, I journey on.

Some of you may know that I have set a lofty goal for myself.  Now don't laugh, but my goal is to run five miles straight at a speed of 7 on the treadmill.  I know, I know, only five miles?  Keep in mind, I do weight well over 200 lbs. and as mentioned, probably don't have a slow twitch fiber in my body :)  So yes I set a goal, and I have been working my butt off to accomplish it!

Well my friends, this morning was go-time.  I had my ipod set up with new songs (I need whatever motivation I can get) had my coffee, and I was ready to go.  After stretching (and praying, lol) I gave it my best.  The first mile was cake and I was feeling like Lance Armstrong.  The second mile, still no problem, cake.  The third, alright I was starting to feel it.  My heart was pounding but I kept trucking.

Finally, I reached the fourth mile.  My heart rate monitor was saying "Eric, you better stop," but I kept going.  By four and 1/4 miles in, I began wondering whether anyone would find me in time if I had a coronary.

By 4.5 miles, I felt like my heart was going to pop, but my heart rate was at 170 so I gave it a go.  Finally, ladies and gentleman (and don't ask me why) Alanis Morisette came on my ipod and I got fired up.  I have no idea why, but her "you outta know" song pushed me through the last half mile and I made it.  I was so fired up.

I now feel like crap which is why I actually took the time to write an entry today, lol.  However, I know I'll feel great later and my heart loves me for it :)  Cardio is no longer my mortal enemy....

I wish you all the best in health and happiness,

Your friend in health,

Eric Leader


Sunday, August 10th:

Exciting Story....

Hey all, I hope this entry finds you well, and that you are enjoying this beautiful weekend.  I was working out with a client of mine in his clubhouse yesterday, and I found myself immersed in a very interesting conversation with one of my client's neighbors who was working out as well. 

Through the course of our conversation, I learned that this individual had lost over 100 pounds!  He currently is very fit, and you never would have imagined that he had been so overweight.  In fact, he was so overweight that he even stopped weighing himself at one point.  As we spoke more, I found his story to be very inspiring and motivating, and felt that his experience could really strike deep in the hearts of many of our clients and readers. 

I am very excited to announce that sometime in the upcoming weeks, not only do I hope to post his before and after pictures, but I also plan on including his story which is rather remarkable.  This individual is living proof that any obstacle can be overcome.  I'll keep you all posted in future blog entries as to when I will publish his story.

I wish you all the best in health and happiness,

Your friend in health,

Eric Leader


Wednesday, August 6th:

One month to go....

Hey you all, I hope this entry finds you well.  I just wanted to give you all a heads up that we are pretty much at the half way point of the physique transformation contest.  I have seen a lot of changes, and a lot of great attitudes.  It should be a very interesting finish.

Remember, don't give in.  Keep dieting, keep working hard with your workouts, and keep motivated.  Remember, there will never be an easier time than now to get into the best shape of your life.  Find what motivates you, and use it.  Don't let outside forces such as family, friends, or work slow down your progress.

Be in tune with your trainer.  Don't be afraid to to speak up.  Don't be afraid to ask for more intensity or more work.  Remember, a trainer can only read your body language and form to gage intensity.  Let them know how you are feeling.  The better the communication, the better the workout.

It's time to buckle down.  I can't wait to see the after pictures.  Take it upon yourself to get into gear and change.

I wish you all the best in health and happiness,

Your friend in health,

Eric Leader



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