Governments throughout the world rarely tell their populations what the
individual can do to prevent a disease occurring in the first instance. While
all the emphasis is put on building more hospitals, better equipped hospitals
and reducing waiting lists, lowering the need for hospital space by preventing
diseases largely gets ignored.
Cancer is a good example of a disease where its strike rate can be greatly
reduced by the individual taking precautionary measures.
Cancer support is needed and necessary. The incidence of cancer
can, in some cases, be reduced by more than 50% by taking simple preventative
The first preventative measure that should be taken is adequate exposure to
direct sunlight. The effect of direct sunlight on the skin produces vitamin D,
which is vital to good health. While some vitamin D can be obtained from food
sources, the individual is unlikely to get enough from sources other than the
sun. The exposure for white people need only be 10-15 minutes a day 3 or 4 times
a week. However, the further you live from the equator, the more exposure you
need. It should be noted that people with dark skin pigmentation require 20
times the exposure stated above to create the same amount of vitamin D.
Sufficient levels of vitamin D are crucial to calcium absorption in the
The individual can further reduce his/her susceptibility to this disease by the
choice of foods eaten at meal times. Limit your intake of meat, butter, eggs and
cheese. These animal fats increase your risk of developing certain types of
cancer (breast, prostate, intestine and pancreas). Eat more fish and poultry
Eating a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables ( tomatoes, carrots, leeks, cabbage,
broccoli and onions etc ) helps protect the body against cancer of the colon,
stomach, rectum and lungs. These are also rich in vitamins A, B and C, all of
which help to fight free radicals and thereby prevent cancer.
Eat wholegrain bread for its fiber content. Fiber improves intestinal functions
and helps protect against colon cancer.
Get as much vitamin C as possible by eating fruits like kiwi, apple. black
currant, raw turnip, sorrel, raw green pepper, raw green cabbage and citrus
fruits. Also season salads with parsley which is very rich in vitamin C.
Avoid smoked, salted and barbecued foods which contain substances that are
potentially carcinogenic, especially as far as stomach cancer is concerned.
Due to the variables with food dependent upon where it came from, how it is
stored, how fresh it is and how it is cooked, it may be prudent to take a
multivitamin and mineral tablet to ensure there are no deficiencies. The
vitamins crucial to preventing cancer are A, the B-complex group, C, D and E. As
vitamins are largely ineffective without minerals, it is best to take a combined
vitamin and mineral tablet. These are readily available in health food shops, or
can be ordered over the Internet for delivery via the mail.
Don't let yourself get too fat: persons who are 40% or more above their normal
weight stand a much higher risk of getting cancer.
The above simple measures should cut in half the likelihood of you contacting
cancer in your lifetime!.